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We're here to help with any questions you might have about the event or your fundraising. Can't see the answer to your question?

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Who can take part?

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This race is open to employees, contractors and anyone who works within the property or construction sector (i.e. contacts from other businesses)

How much does it cost to enter?

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The registration fee is £30.00 which St. Modwen will cover for St. Modwen employees. Everyone else will pay the registration fee themselves. If you would like your registration fee to be invoiced directly to your company, please contact for a promo code.

Can I invite anyone to run with me?

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You can invite your contacts from other businesses within the property or construction sector. The event isn’t open to friends and family.

How do I raise money for this?

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When you register for the event via this site, your fundraising page will be automatically set up, and a link emailed to you. You can also find the event on JustGiving and set up a page linked to this. Just search for St. Modwen Charity Run for Landaid.

Can I take part if I don’t want to fundraise?

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Yes. Fundraising is optional but we would encourage you to do what you can! The more money you raise, the more young people experiencing homelessness we can help. 

What’s happening in the event village?

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The event village is being hosted at Herbert’s Yard where there will be food and drink available for
runners and spectators. We are also hosting a party after the run, to give you chance to reconnect
with colleagues, suppliers and friends.

Can I come along if I don’t want to run?

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Yes – we want lots of people to cheer on the runners from the sidelines! There’s plenty to keep
you entertained in the event village, including a band and food and drinks vendors.

Do I need to book the time off as annual leave?

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St. Modwen employees: No, but please book half a day as volunteering leave through Workday.

How can I track my fitness activity?

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Your profile page includes your personal distance tally so you can track your distance towards your target. This is a great way to keep your friends updated on your workouts!

If you track your workouts with Fitbit, MapMyFitness or Strava your distances will automatically add to your tally.

Follow these steps to track your KMs automatically:

1. Download the FitbitStrava or MapMyFitness app and set up your account

2. Log in to your [charity or event name] account.

3. Under the heading ‘Connect your preferred Fitness app’, click your chosen app.

4. Follow the prompts to connect your account

5. When you next work out, select ‘start your workout’ in the app on your phone. Once you end your workout, save your workout and your distance will be published to the tally on your page the following day.

If you have synced your app already but it is not working, please log in and re-connect it.

When using Fitbit, you must ‘start’ an activity and save it. Your daily steps will not automatically add to your page. If you are having issues, try syncing through BOTH your Fitbit and the Fitbit app on your smartphone.

When using MapMyFitness, you must ‘start’ your workout, ‘stop’ your workout and then ‘SAVE’ your workout.

Your tally will be updated each day with the previous day’s distances.

Remember, you can manually add your kilometres to the tally in your My Fitness Activity tab of your profile after registering. This is a great option if you’re using a pedometer or a different method of tracking your distances.

Follow these steps to manually add your KMs:

1. Log in to your account and select ‘My Fitness Activity’

2. Under ‘Add activity’, enter the date and distance

3. The number of KMs will now appear on your fundraising page!

What is the itinerary for the day?

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Timings for the day will be as follows:

From 12:30 – Event village opens for runner registration

13:50 – Warm up session

14:00 – 10k race start

14:10 – 5k race start

15:15 (approx.) – Trophy presentations

17:00 – Event closes