Melissa Osborne

The LandAid Trek 2024

I'm taking part in the LandAid Trek

From 13 - 15 September, I'm taking part in the LandAid Trek 2024.

Last year, almost 136,000 young people approached their local council for housing support. 

That’s why, on Saturday 14 September, I will be trekking across The Black Mountains, Wales to fundraise as much as possible for LandAid, the property industry charity - whose mission is to end youth homelessness in the UK.

LandAid bring the property industry together to support charities delivering life-changing services for young people who are experiencing or are at risk of experiencing homelessness in the future.

I am aiming to raise £800 for LandAid - this could help fund a safe place for a young person for 5 months. I would really appreciate any donation you can spare so that I can raise as much money as possible for this important cause.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Prestec Uk Ltd

Great cause- Great lady!




Marc Clarke

Good luck 👍 such a great cause


Nicholas Dutton


Westland Environmental Safety Ltd


Marie Little

Amazing!!! Go Girl x


Helen Gibson

Amazing cause .. you’ve got this Melissa xx


Amanda Tullah

Good for you doing this it a great cause.


Darron And Sara

Go for it Melissa ! You’ll smash it. All towards a great cause.


Syed Qamar Abbas

Well done. Good luck with trek


Zoe Taylor

Really great cause! Good on ya sis! Hope you have fun xxx


Willma Mcgee



All the best of luck xx


Stacey Geddes

Good luck, not that you need it, you will smash it 💕


Pritesh Patel

Good Luck!


Michelle Collins

Happy walking :)


William Fitzpatrick

Good luck!


Alex Ramsden