SleepOut Terms and Conditions

The LandAid team are here to help with any questions or queries you might have about the SleepOut. If you have any questions, please get in touch via email below

Email us

By taking part in LandAid’s SleepOut 2025 you agree to the terms and conditions below 
which is required by law under the fundraising regulator. 

1. I confirm that I will be over the age of 18 on the day of the event. If I am under the age 
of 18, I understand I must be accompanied by a responsible adult, who is also 
registered to take part.

2. I acknowledge that I take part in the LandAid SleepOut at my own risk and LandAid
cannot accept liability for any loss or damage to personal property, fundraising income 
or injury. I understand that I must seek medical advice about any health concerns I 
may have about participating. 

3. I understand that LandAid cannot be held liable for any changes made to the event for 
safety reasons, or as otherwise planned, through circumstances beyond our control; 
this includes, diverse weather conditions.

4. I understand that by registering a team that I am agreeing to the terms and conditions 
on behalf of all members.

5. I understand the registration fee does not contribute towards my fundraising target.

6. I will use my best endeavours to raise money for LandAid in connection with my 
participation in the event and aim to raise a minimum of £206.

7. I will ask all sponsors (unless they are donating via my online sponsorship page) to 
complete a sponsorship form which will include an option for sponsors to ensure their 
donation also attracts gift aid and I understand that I must only use the sponsorship 
form(s) provided by LandAid. I understand that Gift Aid does not count towards my 
fundraising target. 

8. I understand and will make clear to all sponsors that sponsorship money is given by 
way of donation. If I fail to take part in, or withdraw from, the event, any sponsorship 
collected will be refunded to the donor or gifted to LandAid. 

9. Any fundraising I undertake in connection with my participation in the event will be 
for LandAid only. I understand that all fundraising must be paid directly to LandAid 
within one calendar month of the event. 

10. I will immediately inform LandAid if anything happens which puts my participation in 
doubt. I understand that my place can be transferred to another employee at the same 

11. I have provided LandAid with the correct information. For more information on data, 
please refer to our privacy policy.

12. I will not do anything to bring LandAid into disrepute. If I do so, LandAid has the right 
to withdraw my place. 

13. I give permission for the free use of any pictures or video footage taken by LandAid on 
the day for promotional advertising or other uses as deemed appropriate. 

14. I understand that the event is fully staffed by volunteers and LandAid staff. I agree to 
follow instructions safely and follow any advice given by volunteers/staff.

15. I understand if I am registered as disabled or with special needs, I will notify LandAid
prior to the event and follow the appropriate advice given. 

16. I understand that the LandAid SleepOut is an alcohol-free event and no alcohol is 
allowed on site or to be consumed beforehand. If I fail to abide by this, LandAid has 
the right to refuse my entry to the event. If alcohol is consumed on the premises,
you will be asked to leave the event. 

17. With the exception of guide or assistance dogs, no animals are permitted
at the LandAid SleepOut. Participants wishing to attend an Event with a guide or assistance dog
are requested to contact LandAid in advance of the Event for assistance.

18. I confirm I have read, understood and agree to all the terms and conditions set out 

LandAid recommends all participants keep a copy of the terms and conditions safe to refer 
to after registering for the event