SleepOut Frequently Asked Questions

The LandAid team are here to help with any questions you might have about the LandAid SleepOut or your fundraising. If your question isn’t answered  please do get in touch via email below.

Email us

I have a general question about the event
I have a question about event fundraising
I have a question about event logistics
I have a question about Teams and Captains
I have a question about event locations

The Event

When is the SleepOut taking place?

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The LandAid SleepOut 2025 will take place on Thursday 27 February 2025

What time do I need to arrive for the SleepOut?

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Registration will be open between 19:00 - 20:00, please ensure you arrive in this window

What do I need to bring with me?

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Kit List for the SleepOut:

  • Sleeping bag – a cold weather sleeping bag
  • A pillow
  • Thermals – layers, layers, layers!
  • Your warmest coat
  • Comfortable clothing –  you’ll be spending a lot of time of the floor. Think joggers rather than skinny jeans!
  • Wooly/warm hat and gloves (particularly if you have opted to plant a tree instead of receiving merch)
  • Scarf
  • Thick socks
  • An eye mask
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • A torch – it will be dark during the night
  • A fully-charged phone
  • A power bank – unfortunately, we won't have power sockets available on the night for phone charging, so please bring a battery pack if you have one
  • Any medications that you take regularly or may need
  • A reusable drinks cup - we can all do our bit for the planet

How will you be making the events COVID secure?

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All of the venues are outside/open to the elements. As we know from the evidence to date, being outside is considerably safer than inside.

There will be plenty of space to social distance throughout the event.

Is there a registration fee and what does this cover?

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SleepOut 2025 will incur a registration fee of £35 per adult. and £45 per family taking part in SleepOut at Home. 

Charging a registration fee helps ensure 100% of your fundraising goes directly to supporting young people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Will this be the same as sleeping rough?

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No. However, it will give you a small insight into what the young people we support face each and every night.

What happens if the weather is really bad?

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Young people don’t have the choice to move inside if the weather is wet and as such we’d like you to remain outside wherever possible, providing you’re not putting your health at risk. Top tips for staying dry are using cardboard, sleeping close to buildings to get some shelter and waterproof sleeping bags.

All our venues are exposed to the elements, but overhead cover will be present in each location. 

Can those that I live with get involved?

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Yes absolutely. Whether they’re your housemates or your family we’d love to have them involved. You can take part virtually via SleepOut At Home, or feel free to bring them along to the event if they're aged 18 or over. Just make sure they're all registered in advance! 

Can I bring my pet?

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As much as we love four legged friends, this event is for humans only (sorry!) 

(Assistance and guide dogs are of course allowed, please let us know ahead of the event at so we can make any necessary adjustments)


Do I need to raise a specific amount to take part?

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The minimum fundraising target is £206 per person. This could help fund a safe place for a young person for six weeks. Find out more about the cost of funding a safe place to sleep here.

Can you help me to reach my fundraising target?

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Yes, absolutely! Firstly take a look at the fundraising resources here. If you want to chat with us, drop us an email to:

What is the best way to raise money?

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Take a look at our fundraising top tips here. The easiest way to fundraise is to simply share your fundraising page on social media or via email. You can find template emails and social posts here:

Fundraising resources

Is there a deadline to have raised money by?

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The deadline for fundraising is the end of March 2025.

How will my sponsors know that I’ve completed the SleepOut?

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We recommend taking lots of photos throughout the LandAid SleepOut to share with your donors during and after the SleepOut. You could even record a series of videos to create a vlog or a reel to share on your social media 

Be sure to tag #LandAidSleepOut so we can reshare and help you spread the word!

How is my fundraising page created?

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Once you register on the website, you will automatically receive a personal fundraising page. Team captains will create Team pages.


When is the deadline to sign up?

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Please check back soon for the exact registration deadline

Can under-18s take part?

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Due to the nature of the event, we can welcome over 18s only at our in-person SleepOut Events. 

SleepOut at Home is suitable for families including children.

Will there be toilets available?

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Toilet facilities with handwashing facilities (either running water or antibacterial hand gel) will be available at all our events.

I can't take part in person, can I participate virtually?

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Of course! We would love to welcome you whether in one of our 8 locations, or by joining us for 'SleepOut at Home' - you can find out more here [SLEEPOUT AT HOME LINK]

Will there be merchandise available?

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Until now, we have provided marchandise to every event participant. With many people joining us year on year, we wanted to offer an alternative.

We have partnered with Trees Not Tees allowing us as event organisers to offer you as participants the choice to plant a tree OR receive branded merchandise (hats and gloves).

More information can be found by clicking the image below:

Many thanks to our Headline Sponsors, Knight Frank for working with us to make our event as sustainable as possible.

Teams and Captains

Can I take part as a team?

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Yes absolutely! You can join or create a team when registering. You’ll see that we have leaderboards for different locations, where you can compete as a team (and individually) against other organisations taking part in SleepOut.

What is the difference between a team member and team captain? 

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Team captains are responsible for assembling a team, ensruing they are added to the event, and managing the team fundraising page. 

Team members are part of a team participating in the SleepOut. Team members can be added to a team later by team captains

Can I fundraise as part of a team?

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Yes absolutely! If you would like to create or join a team, you have an opportunity during event registration. Alternatively, get in touch with us ahead of the event and we can do this for you, and any queries please get in touch. 

Do my team all have to attend the same location?

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Yes please. We ask that a team attends the same location, but you are very welcome to create multiple teams to sleep out within different regions. 

There will be interactive moments on the night to bring everyone together.

SleepOut Locations

NEW FOR 2025
England North West - Liverpool

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NEW VENUE - Coming Soon

England Midlands - Birmingham

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Venue Coming Soon

England South West - Bristol

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Venue Coming Soon

England East- Cambridge

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Venue Coming Soon

Scotland - Edinburgh

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Venue Coming Soon

England Yorkshire - Leeds

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Venue Coming Soon

England South - London

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Westfield London, Ariel Way, London W12 7GF

England North West - Manchester

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Venue Coming Soon

Nationwide - SleepOut at Home

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Anywhere in the UK