We're taking part in the LandAid SleepOut 2025
Dear all
On Thursday 27th February, Daniel Shaw and I will be taking part in the LandAid sleepout, sleeping on the roof of Westfield London car park raising money for this great charity , with the aim to end youth homelessness
A small sacrifice by us to help
those that don’t have the option of a comfy warm bed each night .
Anything you can give to help us reach our target would be gratefully appreciated.
On the night, I know you will all be our side in spirit, and probably best not to speak to either of us on Friday morning, as we will no doubt be grumpy gits 😊
Thanks in advance
Darren and Dan
Thank you to our Sponsors

Sally Alington

Sally Alington
Good Luck Dan! This is an incredible cause :)

Horizon Parking Limited
Wishing you all the best for what is a very worthy cause.

The Travel Retail Consultancy Ltd
Best of luck Team Ethos !!!

Scott Fuller
Well done Dan for taking part and supporting the amazing work Landaid does!

Great Cause Cous!! Love you millions <3

Toby Alington
Go Darren! Now set that target to £5K 😁

Tom Atherton

Good luck! Such a great cause x

Chloe Alington
Woohoo good luck guys! Chlo and Kieran

Declan O'gorman

Bumble Tents & Events - Sam
You boys have got this and Bumble will send some bits to help keep you warm. Darren, i’ll help you defrost in the morning! X x

Lesley White
Good luck Dan

Maryam Crews
Best of luck guys x

Tom And Soph
Go team Ethos!

Mark Wilson
What a great charity Darren - good luck for the sleep out, it will be an experience!

Sacha Paisley
Go Dazzler

Tim Banks
Great stuff Daz!!

Carol Waite
Well done 👏

Luzia Miranda

Tom Williams
Good luck!!

Martin Barnett
All the best, mate

Good luck Darren!! A great cause.


Good luck Dan! An important cause.

Eleni J
Go Team Ethos 💪. Hope you’ve got the hip flask ready @Sally @Mat!!

Theresa Pope
Good luck :) x

Theresa Pope
Good Luck :) x

Asgs Ltd
Well done Sally and all, here is a well deserved contribution from Adam and Susie via ASGS Ltd. Stay warm and safe.


Manuel Lema
Good luck Daniel

Well done you star, ⭐️ guessing it was pretty chilly! X Adele & David X

Lorna Jones
Lucky hevver

Chrissie (bubba)
So proud of you for supporting such an amazing charity for another year. You’ve got this baby. Love you 🥰

Kevin Kahler

Lisa Ford
Great cause and good luck hope it all goes well

Lindsey Marriott

Caroline Alington

Julie Timmins
Well done Dan great cause. Hope the weather gets mild for 27th!! Julie & Paul x

The Cronians
Great cause x

Maria Demetriou
Roger and Maria

Darren Gardiner

Good luck Danny. Stay warm

Joao Ramos

Maria Davis Shiniou
Good Luck Darren X

Rachel Donley

Jess C
Good luck x

Hannah Fuller
Good effort

Judith Alington

Mark Allen

Watch out for the scousers Dazalar…

Miss A
Warmest and deepest hugs, you win! Love

Ben Taylor
Go practice for dorm x



David Swain

Angie Harrison
Amazing! Such a wonderful thing to do. X x

Well done Darren.

Andy Moore

Shanmukhi Dasari

Phil Olbison
Well done mate.


Shelley Bolton

Stuart Mason
Well done Dan. Happy to support you.

Elaine Hopkins
Well done

Good luck mate, hope it stays dry 🏌🏻♂️

Elisa Valdez
Well done 💪🏼

Liv Shaw
Good luck dad, proud of you I hope it all goes well

Harvey Timmins

Neil Tunnicliffe
Good luck pal

Barbara Shaw
Well done for doing such a good cause

Paul Hopkins
Well done Danny.

Good Luck Darren! Brilliant cause!