Thank you to our Sponsors

Caroline Hill

Well done David!

Andrea Jackson
What a great, proactive, way to support a good cause. Well done you! Andrea, Jonathan and James

Well done! Great work for a great cause!

Victoria And Tom
Such a worthy cause! Well done!

Alex, Hannah, And Tilly
Good luck David and well done! Wrap up warm and take a flask!

Heidi Colley
Great effort for a worthy cause. Well done boys 👍

Great cause that needs to be kept top of mind James.

William Kenchington
Best of luck, James

Tersigni Antonella

Helen Griffin
Well done David & James. Fantastic effort from you both.

Ed & Ellie

Daphne Huntley
Good luck guys - hope it stays reasonably warm and dry for you

Sheila Jalalpour
Good luck David!

Antonella Tersigni

Hanna Rumiantseva
Good luck!

Mike Collingwood

Bella Colley

Poppy Collingwood

Julia Friend

Ellis Katakyi-egyir

Amazing effort. Please keep warm!!