Thank you to our Sponsors

Diane Hicks

David Sanders
I hope you have your long johns and a case of Talisker. We hope all goes well. L M&D

Paul Knight
Well done Mr Sanders.

Alicky Denton
Excellent work, champ

Kathryn Sanders


Matt Negus

Richard Roberts
Brave man, good cause.

Neil T


Good luck Ted!

Mark Drake

Doreen & Michael X
Well done Ed! Doreen & Michael xx

Magdalena Dobbs
Good luck


Bethan Bradwick

Mike Farrington
Hope it went well Dad

Susu Scott
See you there!

Simon Watterton

Henry Corfield

Joanna Demaree-cotton
Thanks for raising money for an important cause. Good luck!

Alan Sanders
I hope they don’t set the sprinklers on!!

Stokes Family
Great effort Ed, must have been super hard for you all given the temperatures. Well done love the Stokes’s

Nik Shelton
Hope you have a hot water bottle!

Marc Lightning

K E Goodman

Joe Chalk

Robert Pittam

Reuben Ellis
Good effort!

Well done Ed! Good luck 👍

Jonathan Bartram

Simon Burdus
You inspired me more than you’ll ever know mate 👏🏻
