Hoare Lea Leeds

SleepOut 2025

On Thursday 27 February 2025, we are taking part in the LandAid SleepOut to raise money to help support young people who are homeless.

In 2022/2023, nearly 136,000 young people approached their council as they were homeless or at risk of homelessness. 

The cost of living crisis has had an immense effect on all of us. This has been felt even more acutely by young people facing homelessness. Reports from the charities that LandAid support have mentioned that they're facing not only a homelessness crisis, but a mental health one too.

Young people facing homelessness need our support more than ever.

LandAid bring the property industry together to support charities delivering life-changing services for young people who are or have been homeless, or who are at risk of homelessness in the future.

Your donation will help bring young people in from the cold this winter.

Find out more about the cost of funding a safe place to sleep here.

We're taking part in the LandAid SleepOut 2025

Thank you to our Sponsors





Great effort


Paul Brignall

Good luck, hope you get some sleep!!


Dave & Viv

Good luck


The Campbells

Well done Alex for trying to make a difference


Alex Thorne


Thom Bone




Lynn Bailey

Good luck x


Richard Bailey

Great cause


Alison Watson Me, Coyo

A big well done to Gabby Anderson and our friends at Hoare Lea - and a donation, for all you do for us, for all you do for those who need it most.


Chloe Thorne


Alexandra Anderson

Great charity Gabs. x


Graham Wilson


Laura Gould

Well done Charlotte!


Margaret Anderson

Good work Gabs proudxxx


Family Rose

Good luck George - from the Roses of Bailey-Rose x


Gary Yeadon


Richard Stringer

Well done everyone!


Laura Preston

Best of luck, Gabby, hope it’s not too chilly that night!


Emma Brignall


Dave Brignall & Linda Marsden

Good cause, Alex - hope you have a good night!



Well done Alex, such a great cause to support 😊




Kate Bailey


Emma Barrow

Well done Gabby! Such a great cause.


Lydia Anderson

Good luck my little spoutling!





Well done Gabby, this is such a good cause. Be careful xxx


Amanda And Craig Wilson


Nicola Horsford

Well done Alex


Jamie Mistry




Lorraine Jarvis

Well done Alex


Karen Gladman


Steve Leah

Good luck Charlotte!!


Ollie Brignall


Gillian Marshall-davies

An amazing thing to do Alex!


Sara And Tim

Good luck!




Karen Isaac





Well done Alex.


Yvonne Dale

Good luck!


Ethan Ledger

Have fun pal :)


Sarah And Jon Lambley

Best wishes Alex, a really great thing to do.


Charlotte Wilson


Ethan Ledger

Good Luck :)


Izzy Scanlon

Good luck ! Xx


Dave Greenall


Matthew Booth

Good luck guys. Well done on raising money and awareness for a very important cause


Imali Perera


Dan Newton

Great effort Gabby!


Jaqui Derrick

Well done Alex - a tough challenge for a worthy charity!


Dan Newton


Yvonne Dale


Heather Sharp


Alexandra Lam

Good luck Gabby!!


Yvonne Dale

Good Luck Gabby!!


Koren X

Love you Gabby !! YOU’VE GOT THIS !! you have a heat of gold and inspire me everyday to be a better person


Conall Sinha


Neev Kacker

Well done Scabby!! It is such an important issue and I am so proud that you’re bringing awareness to it. Good luck 🩷🩷



Amazing gabs❤️



good luck!! xx




Emma Davies


Julienne Nabunyemu


Alfie Hunt


Megan Brignall



A good cause! Hope you can raise the money for it :)


Becca Mosley

Good luck x


Lindsey Peplow

Well done you! Doing something like this for a good cause!


Eloise Brohht


Emilia Batey

good luck gabby !! x


Ash Wilson


Grace Sinton



Nieve Otoole

well done Gabby !! xx




Madeleine Lobb

Good luck x