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Hit Fundraising Target

Raised £500 - Fundraising Hero

Raised £1000 - LandAid Legend
Thank you to my Sponsors

Lee Gould

Lee Gould

Sarah Gould

Janette Gould
Good for you. Xxxx

Daniel Mahoney

Trevor Smith
Well done👍👍

Michelle & Eric
Good luck lovely! Such a great cause. You’re amazing xx

Nikki Gould
Good luck Sarah xx

Well done for participating, such a good cause! Good luck, will keep fingers crossed that it stays fine.

Katie Owlett
I dont inagine it will be easy at all - well done x

Kelly Puleln
Such a good cause. Well done Sarah and good luck

Kat Pope
Having camped with you many times i have the absolute utmost respect for you doung this you legend. Go girl. Proud of ya xxxx

Sharon Williams

Peter Pilkington
Good luck

Julia Assock
Good on you Sarah! A great thing to do for a great cause. Lots of love Jules and Lawrence xx

Alex Marsh
Such a good cause! Well done Sarah & the LaSalle team! x

Kate Mcgeever
Well done Sarah 🩷

Rachel Pilkington

Tara Jewell
Good luck Sarah, I've got everything crossed its not a bad night xxx

Sherrie Earl
Well done Sarah!
