Thank you to our Sponsors

Auntie Hel

Rose Marshall
Go team - incredible effort 👏🏻

Nicola Taylor

Carol Pine
Good luck with the challenge - a very worthy cause.

Siwan & Sophie Watkins-doyle
What an amazing thing to do Amira for such an important cause! Wishing you all the luck S&S xx

Mamgu, Ieuan, Nanny A Grandad
Incredible Amira! Ti yn anhygoel! xx

Teulu Syson
Pob lwc Amira! A great effort to highlight the work of this important charity!

Mam A Dad
Wow! This is such a challenge but for such an incredible cause!! Ffabiwlys Amira, anhygoel!!!

Paul Garmeson
Well done Dames

Jane Ashcroft

Matt And Linda

Trev Wallace

Cynthia Margaret Fenton
Am dy ddewrder dyma top yp gan Cynthia


Dominic Morgan
Good luck team ING!

The Holts
Good luck Damian. Love from the Holts x

Paul Taylor
Top job, was a cold one last night.

The Mcraes
What a wonderful cause for a wonderful person to be part of! Well done and sending so much love xxx

Cynth Fenton
Cysga'n dawel Amira annwyl!

Well Done! What a great cause.

Ewen Brown
Good luck Damian

Paul Pavlou
Good luck Damian all the best Pav

Tony Williams
👏👏👏👏 Robert and the team

Jason Scott
Good luck matey

Sharon Duggin
Good Luck!! Great Charity!! Don’t get frostbite!🥶 Love from the Reigate Duggins xx

Katherine Amin
Good luck Amira, Lots of love xxxxxxx

Damian Wild

Damian Wild

Lauren Teague
Well done guys - done us proud.

Matthew Walker

Sian A Rob Doyle
Brilliant Amira xxxx

Roxane Mcmeeken

Roslyn Stanwick
Well done team!!

Ben Stayte

Gillian Heath
Good luck Damian. X

Caroline Lovell-young
Always setting such a good example of how you support those less fortunate demonstrate your strength to do so. Good luck with the experience always so inspiring xx

Finn Walsh
Great cause! Go Olivia and team ING!

Tom H
Well done gang!

Roz Collier
Well done Pine, and all the team! x

Go Olivia!!


Amanda Reekie

Gavin Hinks

Annie Croll

Danielle C
Go Damian, Rob, Olivia and Amira!

Sarah Silk
Good luck Rob!

Francoise Campbell
Well done, Olivia!

Kimberley Hopkins
Incredible feat - well done team - on a cold night too opening our eyes as to what it's like every night for too many people

Annabelle Young
Go team go!

Lucy Boyd
Well done team!!

Ella Wild
Good luck dad!

Raeva Malik
Good luck team - and good luck to my ING buddy xx

Louis Wild
Go dad!
Hi Gorgeous BIL, brilliant ❤️👍🥰 Brave, thoughtful, compassionate , survivor through all walks of life 🤗 Lisa and Dad are will be so very proud of you.. plus gorgeous Sammy Bear xxxx