Team KJ Tait

SleepOut 2025

On Thursday 27 February 2025, we are taking part in the LandAid SleepOut to raise money to help support young people who are homeless.

In 2022/2023, nearly 136,000 young people approached their council as they were homeless or at risk of homelessness. 

The cost of living crisis has had an immense effect on all of us. This has been felt even more acutely by young people facing homelessness. Reports from the charities that LandAid support have mentioned that they're facing not only a homelessness crisis, but a mental health one too.

Young people facing homelessness need our support more than ever.

LandAid bring the property industry together to support charities delivering life-changing services for young people who are or have been homeless, or who are at risk of homelessness in the future.

Your donation will help bring young people in from the cold this winter.

Find out more about the cost of funding a safe place to sleep here.

We're fundraising for...

Thank you to our Sponsors


Cambridge Maintenance


Paul Ballard

Hi Scott a very worthy cause mate I hope the weather is nice for you so please keep warm


Malcolm Tait

Well done to all


Donald Mcphail


Hfl Building Solutions


Msm Solutions Ltd

Well Done Zaid


Nick Tanti

Wrap up warm, great cause. Well done in advance!


Mark Curley

remember to wrap up


Hutcheon Services Ltd

All the best with your hard work re fundraising for a very good cause.


Inco Contracts Ltd

well done, great cause,!


Mum X

Best of luck, I hope it’s not too cold!




B-engineering (nw) Ltd

Well dont Gareth & team


Bert Mcglone



All the best Z 🙏🏾



Look forward to seeing you 😘


Morven Peden

Well done on a cold night. Morven



Great cause. Hope you get a bit of sleep 😊.




Linda Herriot

Mind the thermals! Good luck Paul. Such a worthy cause.


Nael & Kaiden

Good Luck Mamo Zaid 😊


Grandma & Granda

Well done Matt


Stanley Lytle

Well done.



Good luck 👍


Aisha Akram


Aisha & Rich

Good luck Zaid!



All the best Zaid!



Well done folks, and remember, no snoring.


Jo Davidson



Good luck 😘


Malte Flechtner


Matt Borthwick


Stuart Moore


Willie Fraser

Well done guys




Saima Akram

All the best Zaid. xx


Zia Hussain

Don’t forget your crocs!!


Denise Bennett



Call me if there is any hassle


Bilal & Farah


Georgie Brown


Donald Forsyth

Good work Rick


Natasha Baker

Good Luck Gareth and Team!


Hilda Owens


Dad & Gail

Good luck Paul 👍🏻


Dan Farrington

Great cause; well done.


Donna Jones


Dawn Miller


Simon Early

Smashing it


Rhona Jones


June Mc Clenaghan

Hope all goes well, wrap up warm!


Steve Lake

Good luck Gareth & Team KJ Tait.




Arran Ellis

Awesome Effort Team Tait!! C U All there!! Well done all involved!!


Nigel Lytle

All the best for tonight


Jennifer Jemphrey

Hope all goes well tonight.



Say hi to Edith for me x


Paul Collier

Great Cause!!!




Wa Legal

I'm sure Edith's warm hands will keep the cold out x good luck. Waqqas, Miriam & Alizay


Martha Mcclenaghan

Well done Scott. xoxo Nana.


Ross Samson

Well done Bartosz and the team.


Ech Compliance


Colin Mcclenaghan

Good job, worthwhile cause.


Mike & Sue

Hope it stays dry for you


Rayhan Hussain

Hopefully Nilah lets you home soon 🙏


Fraser Macrae


Pamela Danciger

Hope it went well!



Good luck Z!


Iain Crosbie


Pamela Hutchison

Good luck Guys




Anya De Iongh

Good luck!


David Acheson


Oliver P.

Wishing you all the best for the event - hopefully not too cold, and hopefully smash your goal!


Gareth Owens


Richard Lytle


Bradley Wilson


Gaia Zani


Felix Flechtner





Conor Mckeown


Paul Owens

Good luck , our kid.


Ciara Borthwick

Well done Matty! Love Ciara and Ben xxx


Clare Sudbury


Tim Errington

Good luck!


Kamila Bazhirova



Good luck ❤️


Martin Early


Chika Iheobi


Gabriel Hasford-sharp


Ian King


Jacob Gledhill


S Moutsopoulos

Go Gareth!


Steph Mcdonald


Heather Kerr

Great cause Scott,


Lorna Johnson

Good luck guys, hope it is not too chilly!


Dawn Henderson

Best of luck Scott x


Steve Black

Good luck hope it’s not too cold


Bilal Ashraf


Stuart Colburn

Good luck guys




Sumeyye Soydemir


Anayatullah Khan

Salam muzz


Doriana Arrigoni

Great cause good luck Scott!



Well done everyone!


James Atkinson

You are doing a great thing Matt!


Elena Gulyaeva

Good luck tonight guys!






Luke Rutter


Kieran Davis


Charlotte Gregory

Yes Martz

