Thank you to our Sponsors

Rosalie Chadwick

Sarah Munro
Good luck team - great cause! Although very glad I have a decent excuse not to join you...

Barry Mccaig
Good luck. This is a great cause.

Rachel Scott
Good luck!

William Ainscough
Good luck, hope it doesn’t snow

Graeme Stapleton

Angie Arthur
Good luck Smithers! ☘️

Irene Porter
Good luck Heather!xx

John Stapleton
Good luck and well done.

Stuart Neilson
Wrap up Warm!

Caitlin Robertson
Good luck Heather 🩷 xxxx

James Cran

Anne Porter
Wrap up well Heather. Xx

Alan Diamond
A great cause to support. Well done team.

Hannah Donaldson

James Higgins
Good luck Alan! Though definitely a less painful visit to Easter Road than your last!


Justin Grace

Eileen Hutcheon
Well done Heather!

Moira Hanlon

Alison Pithie
Good luck Heather! Look out the knitted socks and shawls.

Iain Logan
Amazing effort Alan for a great cause - all the very best on the night

Alan Diamond
Stay warm team. Best of luck.

Margaret Smith
Good luck ☘️ You’ll all do brilliantly.

Jamie Royle
Good luck G!

Niall, Rach And Grace

Andrew Todd
Not the first time you've been in an empty statement after being at Ibrox after the 80th minute...

Liam & Audrey
Great cause well done to all for doing this.

Eleanor Porter
Good luck Heather!

Jennifer White
Good luck all!

Lianne Henry
Good Luck All - what a brilliant cause and all done in the glorious Easter Road PS I will give you an extra £20 @lesley if you wear a hibs scarf 🤣

Suze & John Mclenachan
Great effort, good luck!

Ailie Isdale
For a fantastic cause - thank you!

Ben Wrigley
Keep that noggin warm G. Great cause and great effort.

Rosaleen Burke
Wrap up x

Alan Diamond
Good luck team. Hope it isn't too cold.

Ross Mackenzie
Best of luck team!

Davina Craig
Wrap up warm and good luck!

Chris Jeffreys


Alan Diamond
Good luik. Please stay off the pitch.

Scott Moir
Well done all - good luck!!

Monica Kochar
Good luck!!

Angela Kinnear

Kate Henry
Good Luck Lesley and the team!

Rachel Niall And Grace
Good work G. Keep warm!