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Hit Fundraising Target

Raised £500 - Fundraising Hero

Raised £1000 - LandAid Legend
Thank you to my Sponsors

Judith Smith

Azure Consulting
Great work all of you ! A fantastic cause. Good luck from us all at Azure.

Matt Lawson

Rob Lawson

Liz Cartlidge
Good luck!

Kimberly Lawosn
Good luck Daddy! Love Oliver and Mummy x

Andrew Lawson

Andrew Hargreaves
Good luck Matt and the rest of the DLA Team.

Michael Wood

Laura Mcgregor
Good luck guys, an amazing thing to do to raise awareness. Hope you manage to get some kip.

Jon Brown

Tina Wilson
Good Luck Matt!

Wendy Lawson
Good luck Matt

Mark Redfern
Go for it Matt - cuddle Luke S for warmth if needed.

Oliver Close
Good luck!
