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Hit Fundraising Target

Raised £500 - Fundraising Hero

Raised £1000 - LandAid Legend
Thank you to my Sponsors

Richard Wright

David Ralphs
Living in your Landaid Era, hope it hails


Liv Austin
So proud of you Gay! Hope your fringe comes back during it. Love you loads Liv & Ada xxx

Lauren Wright
Go smash it!!!! Love, Lauren, Mitchell & Skye xox

Sue Nock
Good luck Abbie xxx


Dave Harvett
Hope you get on well Abbie

Matt Wilson
Hope you have lots of vegan sausage rolls to keep you warm!

Graham Price

Kurt Dunne
A friend of rich good luck in reaching your goal all the best.

Ann Speck
Good Luck from Nan xxx


Dean Chilton


Cormac Sheehan
good luck Abbie :))

Jessica Thompson
Enjoy your sleep over Gay, gutted you didn't invite us, we'll be thinking of ya when Steve's brought us a Chinese to celebrate

Jake Hampton
Peer pressured by tricky dicky to donate😜
Good luck, go smash it, don’t get frostbite, Love Mom & Dad xx