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Hit Fundraising Target

Raised £500 - Fundraising Hero

Raised £1000 - LandAid Legend
Thank you to my Sponsors

The Howard De Walden Estate

Space Workplace
Don't forget your thermals

Gd Construction

Sonnemann Toon Architects
Good luck and stay warm!

John Taylor & Green Ltd
Good luck Barry from all at John Taylor & Green, what a great cause.

Kba Direct Ltd
Always a good cause Barry, hope the weather is kind to you, reflects a snippet of what some people have to unfairly endure daily. Keep it up and I will add in a cup of coffee! ...

Envirocare Group
Good Luck Barry!

Patrick Madigan
Best of luck Barry

John Frederick Ltd
Great work again Barry. Hope the weather is kind.

Ten 1 Surveyors
Fantastic effort as ever Barry - top man ! We will be thinking of both you and the plants !!

Datum Contracts & Construction Management Ltd
Braving the cold to sleep out at this time of year is no small feat, but your dedication to such a worthy cause is truly inspiring. Good luck!”

John Coleman
Best of luck Barry.

James Beazer
Good luck and stay warm..

Whistlers Limited
Such an amaizing thing to do! Hoping you reach your target. Whistlers Limited

Jim Holt, Buxton Building
Best wishes Barry Hope you raise lots of money for this fantastic cause

Malcolm Tait
well done Barry

Great effort Barry, good luck!

Whisbro Mechanical Solutions Ltd

John Lau
Best of luck Barry. As always an amazing effort.

John Holmes
Best of Luck Barry

Harbans Chohan

Robert Kirk
Keep up the good work!!

Jeff Burtt


Daniel Bennett (wsp)
Best of luck Barry, hope all goes well!

John Aston
Good Luck Barry. Hopefully someone will make you a hot cup of tea in the morning


Mum & Sis

Gordon Balharrie
good luck Barry. Hope the showers are working afterwards!

Ashley Nixon
Good Luck Barry x

Thomas Herlihy
Good Luck Barry.Decent thing your doing here

Andrea Merrington
Stay warm ! Well done again for braving the cold for such a good cause

Helen Gallagher
Well done Barry! Great to raise awareness to homelessness and the work by LandAid.

Greg Pappas

Angela Keogh
Well done on raising all this money (again). Hope the training has gone well and you get a good nights sleep!
Great effort, well done!