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Hit Fundraising Target

Raised £500 - Fundraising Hero

Raised £1000 - LandAid Legend
Thank you to my Sponsors

Shane Parsons

Connor Scherer

Louise Almond
Good luck

Make sure to take an oodie!

You are doing a fantastic thing and happy to help you raise money.

Lorraine Armstrong
Well done to everyone involved xxx We're proud of you Callum xx

Adele Armstrong
Good Luck Callum!! Xx

Sarah Knight
Good luck Thursday on your sleep over.

Bal Manak
Best of luck Callum
Our Team

Andrew Keyworth

Aran Mistry (C)

Ben Royston

Billy Paton

Callum Armstrong

Ciara Grady

Jake Needham

Logan Simpson

Good luck Callum great cause from all at firecrest construction