One every four minutes
Centrepoint's research shows 135,000 young people (16-24 year olds) were homeless or at risk of homelessness in the UK. That's one person every four minutes. More than half put this down to family or friends no longer being able to accommodate them.My Achievements

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Hit Fundraising Target

Raised £500 - Fundraising Hero

Raised £1000 - LandAid Legend
Thank you to my Sponsors


Well done Chris - great cause

All the best Woods and all at DTZ with your sleep out- keep warm !!!! Great to support such an important charity!!! Xxx

Sasha Heaney
Good luck …. Stay warm x x

Richard Ludford
Keep warm mate. Thanks for bringing this topic to the front of people’s days. It’s a huge problem we need to fix somehow, and clearly a terrifying prospect for young minds and bodies to cope with, as winter continues. Hope you and your colleagues have a safe night. Rich

Well done Chris

Phil Davies
Walking the talk my friend

Mark Quinn
All the best with this Woods, such a worthwhile cause. Love M&G xo


Helen Van Yperen
Pleased to support this great cause and well done Chris for your continued commitment to this charity.

Kevin Carlin
Good luck, Chris.

Norman Ede
Well done Chris - a very worthy cause.

Well done Chris and such a cold night too! Great cause to support. Guy and Amanda

Grace Cooper
Good luck Dad, hope you’ve got your hand warmers ready x

Jane Holliday

Louis Cooper

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Ben Scilly

Benjy Carr

Chris Cooper

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Rebecca Burley (C)

Shiva Sheth