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Hit Fundraising Target

Raised £500 - Fundraising Hero

Raised £1000 - LandAid Legend
Thank you to my Sponsors


Eva O’connor

Maureen And Kevin O'connor

David Storer
Well done Eva and the Arup team!

Karen Rawlings
Well done with sleep out and fundraising. I hope you get caught up ok on sleep x

Good luck Eva x

Anne Marie & Kevin

Neil Harrison

Good luck!

Owen Duffy

Peter Duffy

James And Lyndsey
Good luck Eva. An incredible cause!

Jason Evans
Enjoy the experience Eva - try not to make a habit of it !:)

Fiona And Family
Good luck Eva. Will be thinking of you.

Our Team

Paula Hanley-Smith (C)

Eva O'Connor

Juliet Mian

James Watts

Chris Crossan

Dominic Cropper

Jack Hewitt

Matt Sangster

Ewan Murdoch

Clare Perryman

Brandon Hill