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Hit Fundraising Target

Raised £500 - Fundraising Hero

Raised £1000 - LandAid Legend
Thank you to my Sponsors

Morven Peden

Great cause. Hope you get a bit of sleep 😊.

June Mc Clenaghan
Hope all goes well, wrap up warm!

Martha Mcclenaghan
Well done Scott. xoxo Nana.

Colin Mcclenaghan
Good job, worthwhile cause.

Heather Kerr
Great cause Scott,

Dawn Henderson
Best of luck Scott x

Doriana Arrigoni
Great cause good luck Scott!
Our Team

Bartosz Burzawa

Gareth Owens (C)


Matt Borthwick

Mustafa Soydemir

Paul Miller

Peter Bailey

Richard Lytle

Richard Brearley

Rob Stuart

Scott McClenaghan

Scott Rimmer

Well done on a cold night. Morven