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Hit Fundraising Target

Raised £500 - Fundraising Hero

Raised £1000 - LandAid Legend
Thank you to my Sponsors

Paul Brignall

Dave & Viv
Good luck

The Campbells
Well done Alex for trying to make a difference

Alex Thorne

Chloe Thorne

Emma Brignall

Dave Brignall & Linda Marsden
Good cause, Alex - hope you have a good night!

Well done Alex, such a great cause to support 😊

Nicola Horsford
Well done Alex

Lorraine Jarvis
Well done Alex

Ollie Brignall

Gillian Marshall-davies
An amazing thing to do Alex!

Sara And Tim
Good luck!

Karen Isaac

Well done Alex.

Sarah And Jon Lambley
Best wishes Alex, a really great thing to do.

Jaqui Derrick
Well done Alex - a tough challenge for a worthy charity!

Yvonne Dale

Good luck, hope you get some sleep!!