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Hit Fundraising Target

Raised £500 - Fundraising Hero

Raised £1000 - LandAid Legend
Thank you to my Sponsors

Siwan & Sophie Watkins-doyle

Mamgu, Ieuan, Nanny A Grandad
Incredible Amira! Ti yn anhygoel! xx

Teulu Syson
Pob lwc Amira! A great effort to highlight the work of this important charity!

Cynthia Margaret Fenton
Am dy ddewrder dyma top yp gan Cynthia

The Mcraes
What a wonderful cause for a wonderful person to be part of! Well done and sending so much love xxx

Cynth Fenton
Cysga'n dawel Amira annwyl!

Sharon Duggin
Good Luck!! Great Charity!! Don’t get frostbite!🥶 Love from the Reigate Duggins xx

Katherine Amin
Good luck Amira, Lots of love xxxxxxx

Damian Wild

Sian A Rob Doyle
Brilliant Amira xxxx

Caroline Lovell-young
Always setting such a good example of how you support those less fortunate demonstrate your strength to do so. Good luck with the experience always so inspiring xx

Raeva Malik
Good luck team - and good luck to my ING buddy xx
What an amazing thing to do Amira for such an important cause! Wishing you all the luck S&S xx